Tuesday, 13 March 2018


The Witchwood

Updated 07/2018 for Witchwood Piper & Ghostly Charger tag.
Last edited 03/2021, for The Big Spell Tag update, Snap Freeze buff, and the return of the Genn/Baku return from Hall of Fame. Uncollectible cards updated.    
05/2021 for Fiendish Circle buff.

Druid Cards:
Druid of the Scythe  Forest GuideBewitched GuardianDuskfallen AvianaSplintergraftFerocious HowlWitching Hour

Hunter Cards:
Hunting MastiffDuskhaven HunterHoundmaster ShawToxmongerCarrion DrakeVilebrood SkittererEmerissRat TrapDire FrenzyWing Blast

Mage Cards:
Archmage ArugalArcane KeysmithVex CrowBonfire ElementalCurio CollectorToki, Time-Tinker

Paladin Cards:
Cathedral GargoyleParagon of LightBellringer SentryThe Glass KnightGhostly ChargerPrince LiamHidden WisdomRebukeSound the Bells!Silver Sword

Priest Cards:
ChameleosSquashlingQuartz ElementalCoffin CrasherLady in WhiteNightscale Matriarch

Rogue Cards:
Blink FoxCutthroat BuccaneerFace CollectorMistwraithCursed CastawayTess GreymaneCheap ShotPick PocketWANTED!Spectral Cutlass

Shaman Cards:
Witch's ApprenticeGhost Light AnglerTotem CruncherBogshaperShudderwockHagatha the Witch

Warlock Cards:
Witchwood ImpDuskbatRatcatcherBlood WitchDeathweb SpiderGlinda CrowskinLord Godfrey

Warrior Cards:
Town CrierRedband WaspRabid WorgenMilitia CommanderDarius CrowleyFesteroot HulkBlackhowl GunspireWarpathDeadly ArsenalWoodcutter's Axe

Neutral Cards:
Swamp Dragon EggSwamp LeechBaleful BankerLost SpiritSpellshifterVicious ScalehideBlackwald PixieMarsh DrakeNightmare AmalgamPhantom MilitiaPumpkin PeasantRavencallerTanglefur MysticVoodoo DollWalnut SpriteWitch's CauldronFelsoul InquisitorLifedrinkerMad HatterNight ProwlerSandbinderScalewormSwift MessengerUnpowered SteambotWitchwood PiperChief InspectorClockwork AutomatonDollmaster DorianMuck HunterRotten ApplebaumWitchwood GrizzlyMossy HorrorAzalina SoulthiefCountess AshmoreDarkmire MoonkinFurious EttinWorgen AbominationWyrmguardCauldron ElementalDeranged DoctorGilnean Royal GuardSplitting Festeroot

Uncollectible Cards: 

Click under the break for Monster Hunt adventure mode cards.