Notes: Twinspell uncollectible cards are not shown. It's basically the same card without the 'Twinspell' tag.
Last edited 03/2021, for The Big Spell Tag and Un-Nerf Update (Conjurer's Calling, Elysiana).
Last edited 06/2021 for Quilboar tags.
Druid Cards:

Mage Cards:

Shaman Cards:

Neutral Cards:

Druid Cards:

Hunter Cards:

Mage Cards:

Paladin Cards:

Priest Cards:

Rogue Cards:

Shaman Cards:

Warlock Cards:

Warrior Cards:

Neutral Cards:

Uncollectibles -- Lackeys: (Draconic and Titanic Lackey added in the next two expansions)

Uncollectibles -- Others:

Hero Skins:

Click under the break for the Dalaran Heist cards.
Uncollectibles -- Lackeys: (Draconic and Titanic Lackey added in the next two expansions)

Uncollectibles -- Others:

Hero Skins:

Click under the break for the Dalaran Heist cards.