Friday, 11 March 2016

Cthulhu Fhtagn

CThun_enUS_card_EK_200x247.gifThe Old Gods be coming, y'all.


I really like the Old Gods as a concept! Game-wise they were but one among many epic bosses, but lore-wise the Old Gods' buildup is one of the best things in Warcraft lore. So I'm happy that our next expansion is one centered on the Old Gods.

Game-wise we did get a couple 'corrupted' versions of some old cards, as well as a legendary, C'Thun himself... which apparently everyone that logs in upon the release of the Whispers of the Old Gods expansion (which also marks the beginning of the Year of the Kraken) will get. Hearthpwn has a far more comprehensive rundown of the cards and mechanisms announced, but TL;DR, Old Gods! Standard Mode! Nerf hammer! C'Thun! I love the Old Gods and it's going to be awesome.

While some of the few revealed cards (Corrupted Healbot, Validated Doomsayer) are just fun 'corrupted versions' of classic cards that have insane stats but have some drawbacks, and another (Corrupted Hoarder) is a scaled-up version of a classic card, two of the revealed gimmick cards for the expansion (Beckoner of Evil, Twilight Elder) are apparently what the whole Old God theme is going to be about, how these minions will buff up C'Thun... wherever he is. Which would be awesome with a Brann Bronzebeard on the battlefield, by the way. We're getting a far more specific deck archetype coming up with cards that specify a certain 'master', so yay for that!

Who knows what Yogg-Saron, N'zoth and Y'shaarj will bring to the table? Similar gimmicks, or unique ones of their own?

We heard that Knife Juggler and Leper Gnome are considered for nerfs, but apparently the announcement also listed Big Game Hunter, easily the most fuckwad of a card in my opinion -- worse than Dr. Boom, Grim Patron, Warsong Commander, Knife Juggler, Mad Scientist, Mysterious Challenger, Sludge Belcher or any other card in the game that had been nerfed or thought of as annoying over the years. Also, there is a potential for some cards that are really popular to be redeemed from Wild into Standard. I would love for some of the less-OP ones to show back up... but eh, I don't think they'll do it so soon after implementing Standard Mode.

We get more news in March 21. So yay for that.

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