In 2021, Hearthstone rotated the Classic and Basic set that has been around since the game's launch, releasing instead a 'Core Set' consisting of various cards poached from various parts of the game's history, and also introducing a bunch of new ones! We also got spell specialization tags.
Other than adding the new versions of the cards like when I do with buffs/nerfs, I'm not going to really do much to swap around the Basic/Classic/Hall of Fame pages on this blog. All the 'Neo-Classic' cards that are now part of Legacy will just get stuffed into Classic. And since Hall of Fame also gets stuffed back to their original home sets, that'll happen too. Otherwise... this is going to be a little repository for just the new Core set cards.
Note: All core cards have rarity gemstones, even though some are counterparts of cards in the Basic set.
Demon Hunter:
The following cards are part of Core set 2021, but previously debuted in a previous set:
- Demon Hunter: Battlefiend, Crimson Sigil Runner, Chaos Strike, Feast of Souls, Sightless Watcher, Spectral Sight, Aldrachi Warblades, Coordinated Strike, Eye Beam, Ashtongue Battlelord, Raging Felscreamer, Chaos Nova, Warglaives of Azzinoth
- Druid: Innervate, Pounce, Enchanted Raven, Mark of the Wild, Power of the Wild, Feral Rage, Landscaping, Wild Growth, Soul of the Forest, Druid of the Claw, Force of Nature, Menagerie Warden, Nourish, Ancient of War, Cenarius
- Hunter: Arcane Shot, Lock and Load, Tracking, Webspinner, Explosive Trap, Freezing Trap, Headhunter's Hatchet, Quick Shot, Scavenging Hyena, Snake Trap, Bearshark, Deadly Shark, Dire Frenzy, Savannah Highmane, King Krush
- Mage: Babbling Book, Shooting Star, Snap Freeze, Arcanologist, Fallen Hero, Arcane Intellect, Cone of Cold, Counterspell, Ice Barrier, Mirror Entity, Fireball, Water Elemental, Ethereal Conjurer, Coldarra Drake, Flamestrike
- Paladin: Avenge, Noble Sacrifice, Righteous Protector, Argent Protector, Holy Light, Aldor Peacekeeper, Equality, Warhorse Trainer, Blessing of Kings, Consecration, Truesilver Champion, Stand Against Darkness, Guardian of Kings, Tirion Fordring
- Priest: Flash Heal, Holy Smite, Psychic Conjurer, Kul Tiran Chaplain, Shadow Word: Death, Shadowform, Lightspawn, Holy Nova, Power Infusion, Shadow Word: Ruin, Temple Enforcer, Natalie Seline
- Rogue: Backstab, Preparation, Shadowstep, Bladed Cultist, Deadly Cultist, Sinister Strike, Swashburglar, Cold Blood, Patient Assassin, Plague Scientist, SI:7 Agent, Assassin's Blade, Assassinate, Tomb Pillager, Sprint
- Shaman: Lightning Bolt, Menacing Nimbus, Rockbiter Weapon, Windfury, Feral Spirit, Lightning Storm, Mana Tide Totem, Unbound Elemental, Draenei Totemcarver, Hex, Tidal Surge, Doomhammer, Earth Elemental, Fire Elemental, Al'Akir the Windlord
- Warlock: Flame Imp, Mortal Coil, Possessed Villager, Drain Soul, Tiny Knight of Evil, Void Terror, Fiendish Circle, Hellfire, Lakkari Felhound, Siphon Soul, Dread Infernal, Twisting Nether, Lord Jaraxxus
- Warrior: Shield Slam, Whirlwind, Armorsmith, Cruel Armorsmith, Execute, Slam, Fiery War Axe, Frothing Berserker, Warsong Commander, Brawl, Shieldmaiden, Gorehowl, Grommash Hellscream
- Neutral: Murloc Tinyfin, Abusive Sergeant, Arcane Anomaly, Argent Squire, Cogmaster, Elven Archer, Murloc Tidecaller, Voodoo Doctor, Worgen Infiltrator, Young Priestess, Acidic Swamp Ooze, Annoy-o-Tron, Bloodmage Thalnos, Bloodsail Raider, Crazed Alchemist, Dire Wolf Alpha, Explosive Sheep, Kobold Geomancer, Loot Hoarder, Mad Bomber, Murloc Tidehunter, Nerubian Egg, River Crocolisk, Sunreaver Spy, Toxicologist, Young Brewmaster, Brightwing, Coldlight Seer, Earthen Ring Seer, Flesheating Ghoul, Humongous Razorleaf, Ice Rager, Injured Blademaster, Ironbeak Owl, Jungle Panther, King Mukla, Lone Champion, Mini-Mage, Raid Leader, Southsea Captain, Spider Tank, Stoneskin Basilisk, Baron Rivendare, Big Game Hunter, Chillwind Yeti, Dark Iron Dwarf, Defender of Argus, Grim Necromancer, SI:7 Infiltrator, Sen'jin Shieldmasta, Violet Teacher, Faceless Manipulator, Gurubashi Berserker, Stranglethorn Tiger, Cairne Bloodhoof, Gadgetzan Auctioneer, High Inquisitor Whitemane, Baron Geddon, Barrens Stablehand, Stormwatcher, Stormwind Champion, Arcane Devourer, Sleepy Dragon, Clockwork Giant
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