So, yeah, I can't do anything as extravagant as open fifty packs or five hundred packs or whatever, but the Grand Tournament came out today and I spent... well, not all (I'm planning to do some arena runs for a bit of profit -- arena runs always guarantees a booster pack anyway) but a fair chunk of my in-game gold on booster packs.
So the first pack I opened had Ice Rager as the first card I saw, which was hilarious if not a particularly good pull. The next card in it was Druid of the Saber, which is one of the more solid cards in the set. I've talked a bit about the viability of the cards in previous posts, so check them out if you're inclined to do so. I'm definitely happy to get this guy to buff up my admittedly iffy Druid deck. Then th Injured Kvaldir, who is the rare in this pack but is mostly kind of crap, Flame Juggler, who is okay but honestly a bit inferior compared to his cousin Knife Juggler, and the MURLOC KNIGHT, who, while not the most overpowered card in this expansion, is hands-down my favourite. So yeah, definitely happy to get this little mrglrglgrlgrlrgl dude.
The second pack had Bash, which is a decent if unspectacular Warrior card, Spellslinger, which is pretty decent I guess but doesn't really fit in my Mech-Mage deck. Then Captured Jormungar, who is another okay but unspectacular card which I guess will be put into some of my control-y decks. Undercity Valiant is one of the cards I'm hoping to get, and it's definitely going to replace some of the weaker two-drops I'm forced to include in my Rogue deck. The rare for this pack is Competitive Spirit, which is another disappointing rare.
The third pack has Fearsome Doomguard, which, like Captured Jormungar, is okay but unspectacular. I guess I can replace the larger minions in my Warlock deck? I dunno. Then Brave Archer, which is another poor draw, then the rare card Fist of Jaraxxus which isn't spectacular either. It's also got an epic, the Sea Reaver... who is not exactly the best epic in this expansion but not one I'm sad to get. The final card in this pack is the Refreshment Vendor, which is just decent but I'm pretty happy to get this but dude because I like how he looks.
The fourth pack had a second Fearsome Doomguard, which I don't care to have a second copy of, a Flash Heal which is definitely going straight into my Priest deck, King's Elekk, a decent Hunter two-drop that's going to replace the Raptor in my Hunter deck, Mukla's Champion who is kind of m'eh but not utterly bad, and the rare is the Thunder Bluff Valiant, a Shaman card that definitely looks pretty decent as long as I have enough totems on the board. Would rather have the Totem Golem, which is far easier to use, but I'm not going to say no to the Valiant either.
The fifth pack starts off with Ancestral Knowledge, one of the worst cards in the expansion IMO. Then Frigid Snobold, which is unimpressive, Gadgeztan Jouster, which had a hilarious art but a pretty m'eh card. The rare is Spawn of Shadows, which is cool but not one I think I'll be using in my Priest deck, then Flame Lance, which is not going to see play in my deck either.
The sixth pack is like a repeat, because it not only had a second Flame Juggler and Brave Archer (which I don't need either one of them), but also a second Murloc Knight yay! Then the rare card Convert, which is another bullshit rare, and Orgrimmar Aspirant, which is decent I suppose.
The seventh pack had a second Orgrimmar Aspirant, which I don't mind as much as Juggler or Brave, then a North Sea Kraken which I guess can hang out as a large-drop minion, Shado-Pan Rider, who can join the Undercity Valiant in my Rogue deck, Bolster who I'm not really going to use, and the rare is the Tuskarr Jouster, another utterly hilarious-looking card in the game and another one that's going into my paladin deck.
So yeah, overall not a bad take, but there are a fair bit of a poor cards. No Legendaries, sadly... but I've only got seven packs so, well, I guess I'm going to go to the arena and make more moneys. So yeah.
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